Friday, December 5, 2008

You'll Never Guess What I Found...

When Max & I were first married we bought a little house in a rough part of town. Being new home owners we were great about upkeep. Yard raked in the fall, any garbage that blew into the yard was picked up immediately, we did the sort of maintenance that was cheap and easy. One warm spring day I was picking up the yard. I was making a pile of downed branches, picking up garbage and raking the remainder of the leaves, when I found "something" under the bushed by the front door. It looked like a flat mummified turkey drum stick with fur. I stood looking at it for a couple of moments trying to identify what the hell it was. I picked it up with a newspaper and threw it away with the rest of the trash. Why on earth would someone put something like that by our front door? Was it the messy neighbors KFC remains, or something more sinister?
When Max got home from work that night, I couldn't wait to tell him about my grisly discovery.
"You'll never guess in a million years, what I found under the bushes by the front door today." I proudly told him.
"A mummified flat squirrel?" I was speechless, how in the world had he known...unless...
Max laughed, I was standing there, speechless, with my mouth hanging open.
"Cola Grandma gave it to me last fall, and I didn't know what to do with it. I left it under the bushes. I guess, I forgot all about it, till now. Gross huh?"
Max's Grandma had found it under her house and had thought he would have found it interesting. Strange thing to give one's grandson, if he were normal. But Max and his Cola Grandma were anything but normal. It was exactly the sort of gift she would have given him-and the sort of gift he would have loved. We still laugh about what a spring clean up might uncover, you just never know.


Unknown said...

Thank you for this post. You've just widely expanded my gift giving options when it comes to Matt.

momofcrazykids said...

Just trying to help....