Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Silly Boy

Oscar, my second oldest son, is my silliest. He was a very serious baby; I don't think he smiled until he was almost 2. Now, he makes me smile everyday with his twisted humor. I think his humor has worn off the most on Tess(as the pooping a block story shows.) When Oscar was 3 he used to do this crab walk sideways thing. His Aunt Rachel would smile and ask to see it and he would do the sideways crab walk only for her. Aunt Rachel just "gets him" like few others do. His latest funny is that he'll say, "Wait for it, wait for it..." or my personal favorite, "I have an important message from the King" and then loudly fart. I never know what to expect with my kids, they keep me guessing and they keep life interesting.

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