Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Traditions-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Our family traditions are just a bit strange. We don't swap nice gifts, we trade weird ones. Everyone wraps up some white elephant items (the uglier the better) and we play a dice game. First we play to get the wrapped gifts, unwrap them, and then play the dice game again to steal the strange gifts from each other. There are nice items included, and someone brings candy bars and small toys for the kids to go after so they don't feel left out.
And then there is the pickle. (We got this great idea from Dave's family) We re-wrap the same deli pickle every year and include it in our game. Pickle # 2 is going on 5 years now, and has started to get smushy. Pickle # 1 got accidentally eaten after 2 years of play(I know, icky-icky mushy pickle)
We also all go to Macy's and visit the 8th floor Christmas display and then we all get our picture taken with Santa. Can you just see 15 people crowding around and even sitting on poor old Santa, "Ha, We've got him surrounded!"
The kids love the silliness of it all, and everyone so looks forward to our crazy family traditions each year.


Unknown said...

When I turned 40 I got the pickle back that we've been regifting for the last 15 years.

It's kind of a fun tradition, and it seems like the recipient never sees it coming.

Folkgirl said...

Really Dave? You didn't see it coming this year?

The freaking 15 year old pickle is still sitting on the counter - it needs to go in the freezer. I'm going to go do that right now...

Robb said...

You're supposed to freeze it? I've left it in the garage since last Christmas...

Kyria said...

we do have some nice gifts in the mix as well- course we fight over those.....