Saturday, December 6, 2008

Being a Parent

Being a parent is a strange job. In what other job would your boss ask you to wipe their butt, puke on you or ask you to hold them in your lap. The hours are grueling, the boss demanding, and the pay is terrible. It's the perks that sell the job. It's the wet toddler kisses, sleepy warm snuggles and hugs from grumpy teens that make it all worth while. It's a job like no other, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Being a parent changes you. Be prepared, because it forever opens your heart. Hearing about sick children before I had kids was sad. Now I openly weep, and pull my children closer. I want and need to help, to offer comfort to those sick, hurt or hungry children. I dig deep and donate what I can, when I can, to those organizations that help children. Being a parent is like wearing your heart on your sleeve. You see the bigger picture and see that we all belong to each other. We are our brothers keepers.

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