Sunday, December 28, 2008

Slippery As A Buttered Peacock

I went to my Sis-in-laws baby shower on Saturday. I had a nice time and it was fun to get to meet her friends. Elizabeth is very lucky, she has great friends. At the shower I was reminded of a funny pregnancy story. I was hugely pregnant with my 2rd son Oscar, and my skin was dry and itchy. I'm taking about the kind of itchy that only women in their last month of pregnancy can really understand. I decided to take an oil bath, and used a ton of baby oil along with 3 bath beads in our huge old claw footed bath tub. After a good long soak, I TRIED to get out of the tub. I just couldn't turn and get up onto my hands and knees and I couldn't sit up and use my legs to get up-yes, I was that huge. After a couple of panicky minutes, I called my husband, Max, to come and help me up. Calling him was my last resort. I really didn't want him to see me stuck in the tub, like a turtle on it's back. He showed up in the bathroom and after we laughed at the situation, he got down to the business of getting me out of the tub. Max tried to just lift me out, but I was just too slippery from all that oil. I kept on slipping out of his grip. It didn't help that neither one of us could stop laughing. I told him that I was "slippery then a buttered peacock." That didn't help, and the giggles started all over again. After about a dozen tries, he finally had to use a towel, between me and his arms to lift me out. It took over 10 minutes to get me out of that darn tub. Not only was I itchy, but now I was slippery and embarrassed too.

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