Sunday, January 11, 2009

snowshoe by the moonlight

I love, love, love to go snowshoeing. We live on ten acres in the country, and I try to get out snowshoeing in the back yard as often as I can. I especially love going out alone at night, and last night was perfect. It was still and cold, the moon was full, and we got over a foot of fresh snow last week. It was absolutely the perfect night to go out.
We also have a lot of wild life around our place, and I love to follow the game trails. Last night, around 9 pm, I was out snowshoeing and following a deer trail. The full moon was guiding me as I rounded a turn in the trail and... I flushed a pheasant. I’m not proud, but I screamed like a little girl. I’m lucky that I didn’t pee my snow pants too. After getting startled like that, I went and got our dog Bertha and took her with me. If there were any more surprises in store, let the dog find them first. I like to keep my snow pants dry, thank you very much.
The rest of the night hike was un-eventful, and after another 20 minutes, both the dog and I were ready to go in and go to bed. I might just make it a rule to take her with me. I did see big cat tracks a couple of years ago, so company just might not be a bad idea. Besides, after having four kids, my bladder just cannot handle surprises like that.

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