Sunday, February 1, 2009

When Did I Turn Into My Mother?

I can't believe what I just said. Did I really say, "Keep it down to a dull roar, or I'll go crazy." That little ditty joins the long list of other empty threats. Do these sound familiar to you also?
"Stop looking at your sister!"
"Don't make me get up, you'll be a trouble if I have to get up..."
"Do I have to turn around and take you all home? I will if I have to..."
"She may have started it, but I'll end it."
"What is this? Do you see this, it's a phone. Don't interrupt when I'm on the phone."
"Don't put that in your nose ( ear, mouth, pants)"
These are mild compared to the King Mother of all empty threats, used my my Mother-In-Law:"I'll break off your arms, and beat you with the bloody stumps."

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