Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stuck In Karoke Hell

On Saturday I helped out at a school circus. There were many booths of activities, and I floated from booth to booth helping out. At one point I was at a booth with the Mayor, helping fill up and pass out helium balloons. At the booth next door was a karaoke machine. Thirty minutes of hearing kids sing off key at a deafen level was a slice of karaoke hell I hope never to have to endure again. The Mayor, God bless her, kept on smiling and shaking hands. Was it just me who had the nervous eye twitch going? It must have been, because now I kinda feel like a dink complaining about kids having fun. How dare they have noisy fun, can't they play quietly like civilized human beings? This behavior is out of character for me. I'm the one with kids yelling and screaming in the background when I'm on the phone. People always ask me, "Should I let you go? It sounds like I got you at a bad time." "Naw, they're just playing. Talk louder so I can hear you over the din." Is the answer I usually give. I can go to my "happy place" when the noise level gets too much. I call mine "The Edge" and I post notations from there (ta-da, that's where I get the title of my blog, clever huh?) I think everyone has a happy place to go when things get too crazy. Sometimes I just stop in for a visit, sometimes I'm there longer. If you're ever talking to me and I just zone out, don't take it personal, I'm just stopping by my happy place for a visit.

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