Friday, April 24, 2009

Ready Set Go!

My potty training tricks are a bit unorthodox. I'll be the first one to admit it. When it came time to potty train my daughter, Tess I had to think outside the box. Tess always said she didn't have to go, and then had an accident. So I came up with "pee races" so she would at least try to go. This trick worked like magic. The only draw back is it's been two years and she still wants to have pee races with me once in awhile. She's only four so it's still cute, I can't help wondering if it's not going to be so cute at fourteen. The other day I made the mistake of winning the latest race. Tess cried for over ten minutes. Oscar had a friend over and he came up to me and asked, "Why is Tess crying? Is she saying you won the pee race?" I sheepishly answered, "Yeah, we have pee races. I used the race idea to potty train her and she still likes to race, kinda weird, huh?" And God bless this sweet ten year old, he said, "That's OK, I used to have pee races with my umm....(I could tell he was trying to think of a name) um, my dad." He was trying to make me feel better;which only made me feel more like a goober. I have more odd parenting tips, I'll share more of them someday...

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