Friday, March 27, 2009

She Was A Strange Child

As a small child I liked to sleep on the sunny warm sidewalk in front of our house in St. Paul. I had a favorite square of concrete to nap on. It was perfect, just the right number of pebbles and air pocket holes and it sat at the perfect tipped angle. Why I chose to nap outside on the sidewalk is a mystery to me now, but at the time--it was pure heaven. Maybe it was the sleeping in the sunshine and the cool breeze across my face that I loved, I guess I still love that, only now it's a hammock and not the hard ground. I'm sure the neighbors thought my family was strange already and this just confirmed it. Those same perfectly tipped sidewalk squares later on were also great jumps for our big wheels and bikes. I still get a rush of sweet nostalgia when I walk over cracked and tipped old sidewalks.

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