Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bye-Bye Bread & Beer

Gluetin free is the way to be! I'm trying to embrace this phrase. I found out that I have a gluetin intolerance. I can't have any wheat or barley, so it's good bye regular bread and beer. I hear that there is gluetin free beer. I've had the gluetin free bread, and if it's anything like the bread, no thank you. The bread is just wrong, too dense, wrong texture, wrong taste. Cooking has been easier then I thought it was going to be, I just have to read all the labels to make sure there isn't any hidden gluetin. I got a tasty cookie recipe from Sarah that just rocks. It's just the bread and beer that I'm going to miss. I have a stash of chocolate hidden in my kitchen, for those day when I just need some chocolate. So far my Hershey's bars are safe (gluetin free!) and now that I'm wheat free, I have an excuse to selfishly horde candy. "Sorry kids, that's my special chocolate. You wouldn't like it anyway, it's gluetin free." They've tasted enough of the special bread to know how it tastes, so they believe all gluetin free food is icky. This will work for now, until in a chocolate frenzy and in desperation they try some of the candy. Then I'll be busted, the jig will be up and I'll have to share. Until then, I'll enjoy the kids leaving my chocolate stash alone.


Unknown said...

I don't know if I'd be able to carry on, if it were me.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your gluten-free adventure, Katrina. As of yet I don't have a gluten intolerance, but I tried a gluten-free muffin once (it was on sale and tasted fine), but it gave me my first allergic reaction to food in my life. Still don't know what was in it or why that happened.

Let us know how the gluten-free beer tastes!

Twila said...

how much DARK chocolate will you give me so I don't tell your kids the truth about your chocolate stash? heeheehee

Folkgirl said...

This is just sad...