Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Maxi-pad Warriors

When I was seven years old and my little brother was three years old we got into a bag of my mom's pads and tampons. We suited up as warriors. We stuck the pads on to our arms and legs and used them as sturdy shields. We used sticks as swords, taking turns smacking the pad/arm shields. The un-used tampons applicators were great blow guns. Great fun was had--until a nosey neighbor spotted us playing and called our mom. I can only imagine that conversation, "Excuse me, but your children are running around the neighborhood wearing maxi pads on their arms and legs." We were called into the house, and my mom explained to me what those arm shields were really for. That was the end of the Maxi-pad Warriors. Neither my mom nor little brother remember this story, but I do, and maybe you'll think about me as the Maxi-pad Warrior the next time you pass that particular aisle of the store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a hilarious story! Priceless!