Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Mothers Good Advice

In honor of Mothers Day, here is some good advice:
Be yourself; Those who mind— don’t matter and those who matter— don’t mind.
People treat you how you let them & treat people how you want to be treated.
Don’t be a pest.
Never pass up the opportunity to use the bathroom.
Make your own money, don't look for someone to support you.
Save your pennies (Max’s least favorite mom saying.)
Nobody has it all and everyone has problems.
When people show you who they really are, believe them (Ok, this one is from Oprah not my mom.)
You can’t have it all at the same time, it’s all about timing.
I was having terrible cramps and though it was my appendix. My mom told me to get on my hands and knee, put my butt up, head down and rock. I released some “pressure” and felt better. This works like a charm and is a great parlor trick too!
Live in the moment and like every day is your last.
Always carry chocolate (it helps for all sorts of emergencies.)
Don’t lend out what you can’t afford to lose.
Marry someone you like as well as love and make sure it’s someone who treats you with love and respect.
Return a borrowed car with a full tank of fuel.
Always say please and thank you. Manners do count.
Sometimes having balls can get you further then having brains (be bold and take chances.)
Don’t wear anything too small, too low cut or too short; leave something to the imagination.
Better to be silent and thought intelligent, then to speak and be proven an idiot.
What’s the worst they can say? Hearing no won‘t kill you.
Well-behaved women rarely make history (this one I learned from watching my own mom.)
The kids will only be small for a short time, the laundry can wait.
You can’t succeed if you never try. Dream big.
Always have a plan B.
Question authority (this one has gotten me in more trouble.)
Ask how you can help.
Think before you speak because you can’t un-ring a bell.
When in doubt, say nothing.
It’s ok to say “I don’t know” and “I’m sorry.”
And my personal favorite— don’t pick at it.

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