Friday, November 28, 2008

Winter Camping

I get to go winter camping in Ely, MN in Jan! I'm so excited. Why would anyone in their right mind want to go camping in the winter? No bugs, tons of snow and the silence-it's amazing. I'm going with Oscar's Cub Scout Den and Leif's Boy Scout Troop to the Boy Scout high adventure base in Ely. There are only 3 high adventure bases in the US; Philmont in New Mexico, Sea Base in Florida and Northern Tier in Minnesota. This is the first year they have opened the winter program up to Webelo Cub Scouts, we'll be one of the first groups to go. Sleeping under the stars in the winter is really something, the stars seem so much brighter, the night quieter. I'll post pictures of last years trip when I find them.

1 comment:

Kyria said...

I always knew you were crazy.
hey want to have fun in a freezing cold January night? Let's go pitch tents & sleep in Northern MN w/o any heat-fun! How cold will it get? 10 maybe 15 degrees?