Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I've Never Won Before...

I just won the "Scareyest Toy Award" I'd like to thank all the little people who made this award possible...
My darling niece just turned 1 last month and we gave her a glow worm thingy-a sea horse that sings and glows when its touched. Well that sweet toy has terrified the child it was meant to delight.
It caused crying, possible nightmares, life long trauma and forced my sister to "Toss the damn thing down the hall way." Sorry Baby, maybe next year we'll get you a Chucky Doll. (Just kidding Sis)
My son also had an experience with one of these Glow Worm type toys. When Osacr was a baby he got a Veggie Tales glowing asparagus doll that sang, "lalalalalalala, lalalalalalalala, I'm not scared." the toy was adorable, very sad, but adorable. My older son, Leif-the tender heart, who was 4 years old at the time told me, " I don't like that toy, it hurts my heart" I guess it was too sad for him also.
I'm still waiting to get the award, will it be a trophy or just the bill from the kid's Shrink?

1 comment:

Kyria said...

hmm maybe just the bill in a few years....