Monday, November 24, 2008

They Grow Up So Fast...

I got the new People Magazine's Sexist Men of 2008 (the scratch & sniff one-creepy idea on this issue, but I smelled anyway, does that make me weird?) I was looking at the issue when my 4 year old daughter Tess came up and looking over my shoulder at the picture of Brad Pitt said, "He's handsome. I want to marry him." When I asked about Daniel Craig on the next page she said, "Not him, he's scary" Well, I guess she's got it all planned.

Oscar has written his first book. It's called, "The Kracken Infection" I'm so proud to have influenced him. I'll post his book after it's finished. It's about a boy named Andrex, who's fighting zombies like creatures, it's gory and very good. I think I'll look into kid writing contests for him who knows, how cool would that be if he won one?

Max & Robb went deer hunting again this last weekend, yea-ho, no deer. What would I do with 200 lbs of venison? I don't even like venison. Sorry to admit it, but I've been hoping they didn't get anything. Who says God doesn't answer your prayers?

1 comment:

Robb said...

It must have been the combo of cashews, beef jerky and beer for dinner.