Friday, July 17, 2009

He's Not In Jail?

I feel twelve years old again. I just found old friends from elementary school on Facebook. I attended a small private Catholic school in St. Paul ( I know that does explain a lot about why I’m the way I am). The school is long gone, but the memories are burned in my brain forever.
I spent the last twenty minutes laughing and saying peoples names aloud. My kids keep asking, “Who’s that?” I can’t stop smiling and giggling. Wow, what a blast from the past. I keep going in deeper; one friend leads to another old friend. Where does it end? Will I be able to friend request everyone and what if I miss someone? The questions boggle my mind. Some of these people I thought I’d never find (I thought maybe they’d be in jail in an exotic foreign country, you know who you are) I’m running out of time to play online, I feel rushed, I know someone has been forgotten, sorry to anyone I’ve missed…

1 comment:

Anna Lefler said...

I recently had the same experience (haven't been on Facebook very long). Isn't it amazing to hear all those old names again?


:-D Anna