Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mystery of Elusive Recycler is Solved!!

The mystery of the elusive is recycler solved. Two weeks ago I noticed someone was pulling cardboard out of the garbage can and had started a bag for recycling. “OK, who’s the recycler?” I demanded. As usual, my family gave me “The innocent look” which I’ve come to recognize. It’s the same look I got when I asked them, “Ok, who cut off the cats whiskers?” and my favorite, “Who painted the bathroom walls in toothpaste?”
I was on the case, the case of the mystery recycler. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as green as the next person, but…ok you got me. I only recycle pop cans, and that’s because I get money out of the deal. We live in the country and have to drive our recycling into town and drop them off ourselves. Bags of cardboard, cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles and newspaper pile up. I live in a small house—with 5 other people, and the bags take up so much space. I know I’m whining and sounding defensive, so I’ll go on with my story.
Two weeks ago, someone started recycling. Who could be so responsible? The mystery grows because no one will claim responsibility.
I caught the person yesterday…in the act no less!
Drum roll please…it’s my seven year old son, Tom. The mystery is solved, and now I'll have to shut my mouth and just take the damn bags of recycling into town.


Christina Rodriguez said...

Good for your son! If even 7-year olds can recycle, so can the rest of us. A great post for Earth Day!

harada57 said...
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