The kids were playing tag in the house( it was too cold and windy outside) and I noticed an interesting thing. The rules have stayed the same, but the jargon has changed. Time out isn't called time out anymore. A time out is now called a "pause." The kids were running around yelling, "pause" and then "unpause." I guess the video game age has gotten into every crack of modern life. Gone are the days of playing outside from dawn to dusk, covered head to toe in mosquito bites and itchy from the layers of dirt and sweat. My kids do play outside, but not with the same gusto that I did. We don't have a kid made fort or a secret hide out. They do still chase frogs and lightening bugs and climb trees. They don't seem to get as dirty as I did as a kid (maybe my hygiene was just poorer) I remember leaving dirt rings in the tub. I still had dirt in my neck creases until 6th grade. Here is a picture of Tom, the monkey boy. He loves to climb trees, it's the climbing down that is tricky. Yes, he did get kinda stuck. This is the same tree Oscar climbed, and Leif. I guess Tess is next...
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