Well, Max's pet praying mantis, Monty, passed away yesterday. He was old for a bug. Now I have 24 crickets, that I have no idea what to do with. Do we now keep them as pets and feed them too? The choices boggle my mind. I'm kinda of new petted out at the moment. Our new kitten, Bigfoot has left me some homemade "presents" under the Christmas tree. I guess he WAS an outdoor cat, so the logical place to poop would be under a tree, but our Christmas tree? As for the rest of our pets, Bertha the dog, and Eve & Lilith the cats, are all fine. The older cats are afraid of the new kitten, he is a scary handful of fuzzy fur. Critters now out number people (if you include the crickets-do they count?)
Get a lizard to feed the crickets to! I recommend a bearded dragon - they're cute...
I'm sorry for your loss.
Montie was a good bug.
Candi, yah, another pet is EXACTLY what I need. LOL :)
Hmm, choclate coved grasshoppers is suppose to be tasty. Watch out for people who want to share choclate.
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